The New Generator

The Surgical Team Checking
to make sure it will fit.
This was a big week for the boat named R Genesis. A delicate operation was needed to extract a none working appendage. THE GENERATOR. The surgeon assessed the best possible method of removal without too much intrusion upon all other appendages. Arteries to other parts would have to be delicately moved to ensure the transplant would fit. The removal was a success The rewiring and replumbing a success. Now the moment of truth. The surgeon and his surgical crew brought in the new Generator. A Northern Lights. A modern, quieter model. Would the generator fit in the cavity? Would the sawsall have to come out and leave an ugly scar? ………..
(Drama ER) It fits. It hums (quietly). Time will tell. Hopefully no rejection drugs will be needed.
Ken has decided to call his new generator Bill and Linda, after his Mom and Dad. His dad was a hard working man and the generator will be hard working. The generator is loud(not as much as the old one) and his Mom ...... As Ken's cousin put it at the funeral,"Earth just got a little bit quieter, but heaven sure got noisier. Thankfully it is the money that his Dad worked hard for that bought this new appendage and we are grateful. I am not so sure how I feel with Linda and Bill living in my basement and I wonder if something goes wrong and Ken wants to swear at it how that will go over.
It has been agreed upon by the manufacturer of our 2 dead battery chargers that we will send them back and they will send us a bigger, better, larger unit at no costs to us. Never mind that we had to buy new batteries. This makes us happy. Within a few weeks our electrical delema should be a thing of the past and we can look forward to different challenges say a new engine rebuild. Lets hope not.
This week a lot of chores are getting done on the boat. More teak work and stainless steel by me All outside jobs. Lets face it, really its about keeping me out of the way. Who does he think he is fooling?
I have had strep throat this week and have begun to live like the real Mexicans. Self medicate. Here there are pharmacies called farmacias on every corner. Drugs that we need a prescription for at home are over the counter here. As luck would have it a Calgary Family Dr is on the dock and says I did the right thing. So this week I wondered if I was hot due to Heat, Hot Flashes or Fever. Or all the above. Yes Wayne and Wendy I am still hot it just comes in flashes!
So if you did a survey Ken was in the engine room by choice or necessity? 50% in favour of choice – Women 50% necessity – Men.
Last night a sailboat was drifting aimlessly in the anchorage. It had broke away from its anchor. Luckily 3 other sailors saw what was happening got on the boat started it and moored it in the marina. No one has come to claim a missing boat so I am not sure what is up.
A pot luck was held at the marina and it looks like the boats left here at the moment are either staying for hurricane season, getting ready to jump the puddle or heading north. There are much fewer boats than before. Well I better get back to the boat chores
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