The Winning Best Costume Using Noodles
A Roosterfish (Does exist)
With Hurricane Jimena now behind us it was time for the cruisers to depart the hidey hole, go reprovision, and to get news back to family and friends that they had come through unscaved.
The fleet moved on to Ensenada La Gringa where a mighty fine social event of the month was going to get underway.” The Howling at the Moon Party” We had missed the total full moon but only by 2 days.
The day began with the competition of the best floatie. There were several categories. The best float made only with pool noodles. The best home made floatie, and the most ingenious. We won first honourable mention for our fire truck float. It was made with 2 red coolers, bogie boards, life rings and lots of rope. Ken had made a pump that could spray water aprox. 15’.
The contest brought us to an estuary with tides. We soaked up the sun and water for about 1 hr before the tide began to descend the estuary. Off went the floats being shot out the entrance at about 6 knots. Pretty cool.
The winner was 4 yr old Quinn, dressed as a rooster fish. His parents had sacrificed a few pool noodles to make the tail, and painted his face. It was great. The second price went to Blue Moon, a boat from New Zealand. They had made their float from things they had collected on the beaches of the world. As Jo said, “she even collected Rob on the beach”. It was unbelievable some of the things that were used in their float. Linda on Jacaranda won for best homemade. She was a seahorse. I am not sure how much tin foil she used but it had to take the week waiting for the hurricane to prepare her costume.
The evening had us all gathered on the beach enjoying a pot luck dinner and music. Many songs were made up with Jimena as the theme.
The group of 20 boats stayed for many days enjoying the howls of the coyotes, plentiful fish dinners and clams to collect to your hearts content.
Several boats continued to anchorages further north while most came back to Bahia Los Angeles.
Finding the things we needed in town seem to be like finding a needle in a haystack. We did however find most things.
It was pleasant to have most of the remaining couples come ashore and help us celebrate our anniversary. We have many memories we will carry with us of the people we have met in the upper Sea of Cortez.
As I write this, a family of Mexican’s are tied to our dinghy fishing. The two young boys are having a blast. I have given them Pepsi’s and have made 2 new friends.
We now are weighing the pros and cons of heading to Guyamas. A hurricane is brewing south of Acapulco. If we go we need to make it as quick as possible so as to have as much prep time as one can have. If we stay we would be here possibly for a week and a half. Stay tune.
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