The days are getting shorter. There are fewer boats in the anchorages. We are now in our 5th month of boating. Currently the weather has been the nicest we have experienced this summer.
We have had a few guests aboard and have been able to share the experience of prawning, crabbing, harvesting shell fish and salmon fishing.
I have given up on the idea of catching a Halibut this summer. In fact I don’t mention trying any longer. Another summer. Probably on someone else’s boat.
We have one more set of guests as we head towards Vancouver.
We have visited the Sunshine Coast, Desolation Sound, Discovery Islands, Johnstone Strait, Blackfish Sound, Broughton Archipelago and Queen Charlotte Strait. We have anchored in 52 different anchorages. We have seen 23 different species of birds, surrounded by humpback, orca whales, dolphins, seals, black and grizzly bears, deer, mink, river otters and sea otters.
We have dined on fresh seafood daily and still have not tired of the taste.
Instant friendships --- Just add water.
Transient lifestyle teaches us to seize the moment and enjoy it while it lasts.
The more we know and understand the history surrounding us the more interesting the places we visit become.
Where does the love for water come from? Inherited? Are we encoded like salmon? Spiritual? Who knows but it has been a great summer