We have been busy with the Airport Yacht club and I was elected Fleet Captain and have been busy getting ready for the Carole Cruise. The Carole Cruise is a cruise where the boats decorate their boats and enter a parade on the water, then proceed to the yacht club to participate in Christmas festivities. Many people come out and line the banks of the river to watch over 28 boats in the parade. The picture here is our boat. More pictures are in the photo album.
Alanna , RJ and Thor are driving down to Vancouver to celebrate the holidays with us. We will be taking advantage of the yacht club and having our Christmas at the club. We will amuse ourselves with shuffleboard (the kids had never played ) and participated in a round of Mexican Train (domino game ). It very well could be our last Christmas all together for awhile now that the kids have lives of their own.
We will be organizing the New Years Eve events at the club. There will be a few couples there.
The New Year begins the official count down to our life time dream trip. It is here 2008. Can you believe it?
We are going to Guatemala on Feb. 01 – Mar. 03 . We will be home staying with a family for the month and will attend Spanish school Mon – Fri. We hope to travel around the country on the weekends. Pictures will be posted on the blog along with our thoughts about the trip.
We wish all who have been reading the blog a healthy New Year and look forward to hearing from you