Our next stop was Punta Abrejos "ah bray oh haz" a command word for open your eyes. Abrejos is the closest anchorage to Laguana San Ignacio.
Laguana San Ignacio is a biosphere reserve. In the deeper south half of the lagoon agult whales are mating or training the yearlings.
In the shallower north half the mothers give birth and suckle their newborn calves.
Unfortunately one cannot take their own dinghy into the lagoon. Tours are given. We did not have the time as we wanted to get around Cabo when the weather is good. We may make a trip over land to see this when Alanna visits for Christmas.
The daily routine is to check the sailmail for weather files and messages from the kids. Unfortunately Alanna had emailed us to inform us that Ken’s Mom had passed away. She had been sick for about a week.
Plans now had to be made.
We are in a very remote part of Mexico. It’s hard getting to shore never mind to a town that may have a chicken bus.
The four of us made the decision to boat for 54 hrs non stop to get to Cabo where Ken can catch a flight home. This in itself is not straight forward. Because we are traveling by boat, once in Cabo we will have to make up a new crew list without Ken’s name, do a complete domestic port clearance with the person’s passport. Once he comes back the same thing must be repeated adding his name to the crew list. I will stay with the boat.
We set our watches for every three hours. Ken and I were one team and Wendy and Wayne the other. We would keep watch for the three hours then spell each other off to get sleep. The first night we had following seas, fairly calm and “Auto” could drive the whole night. The second night however turned out to be anything but calm. The autopiolot could not be used. The seas were still following seas but with a wave chop which means BUMPY. Not dangerous by any means but a little uncomfortable. We all did well and arrived in San Jose del Cabo at 1000 hr.
We got the paper work done for Ken and got him a flight, car rental and hotel room. He had a few hours to get it all together. He will make it to the funeral.
I am staying with the boat at a marina Puerto San Cabos. We are approximately 10 miles from town, a $7.00 taxi ride.
Spanish galleons first visited Estero San Jose at the mouth of the Rio San Jose to obtain fresh water near the end of their lengthy voyages from the Philippines to Acapulco in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. This is the location that is now the Marina development. It is being done by a Canadian Entrepeneur.
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