Nativity Scene

Just this week we learnt that a boating friend Doug Flynn from Campbell River had died in a boating mishap. Overcome by carbon monoxide while fishing. If you have followed the blog for the past couple of years, he was the gentleman with a voice like a canary. He reminded me so much of my Grandfather. The world was a better place because of people like Doug.
As usual Christmas came and went quickly. Alanna arrived on December 20th. To celebrate her birthday the next day we invited some fellow boaters over and had dinner. Afterwards we dingied into town where Santa and his very young, sexy looking elves were in his sleigh on top of a Coca Cola lit truck. Santa was throwing candy out to the children chasing the the truck.
We wondered around the busy streets observing the locals picking up Christmas gifts. We wondered up to the Cathedral to find out what time Mass was on the 24th. My espanol was not great as I could not get the word Mass across. The pronunciation AGAIN! Finally they figured out what I was trying to ask. It was fun but I'm sure they were thinking GRINGO. I am trying to speak the language while giving the locals great admiration by not bursting out with laughter at me.
We celebrated Christmas Eve with Mike, Julie, Mike and Jacquie. We had a delicious Lobster dinner than a long game of Mexican Train. ( A domino game ) We did not make it to Mass after all the effort trying to get the information on times. Tequilla was making its rounds and a few people felt the effects, but fun was had by all.
Christmas morning we opened our stockings and gifts, missing RJ but proud of the man he has become. He spent his Christmas working for a fellow firefighter so he could spend the morning with his young family.
Christmas found us hosting Christmas Dinner. The dinner was a pot luck meal. 8 different boats attending. 16 people in all.
We decided to take a road trip and rented a car. Alanna, Ken, myself, Jacquie and Mike ventured out out to Ciudad de Constitucion then Magdelaina Bay.
Constitution city is located 211km north of La Paz, in the heart of the agricultural valley of Santo Domingo. City Constitution comes with colonization of the valley in 1940, in what was a ranch called "The Cruise", seated at a crossroads. Around it, gradually settling families were to become the hub of trade and passage of the settlers in the valley.Thanks to this agricultural prosperity and formed the city, which for many years, people continued to call "The Cruise."
Now I finally found a person that enjoys Cemetaries as much as I do. Mike. We found the cathedral of the city and then searched out the cemetary. Wow! They do take their cemetaries seriously. But then again they do celebrate The Day of the Dead. We saw a Moluseum that gave us quite the insight to the people who died and the people that survive them. There had been 4 family members that had died. Grandparents, young boy and a 21 year old who had won many Baja Car races.
We had comida (lunch) at a road side restaurant. Pollo(chicken), salad, drink, fries for $3.00 each.
The town square was decorated for Christmas. A nativity scene that was unbelievable. All lit up in the evening. A gathering place for the locals.
We stayed in a very nice motel under construction.
The town is bordered to the west by the Pacific Ocean. The next day we continued to Magdalena Bay. San Carlos, the large port height Comondú, is a site of great natural beauty and excellent climate. Receives the annual visit of the gray whale, and hundreds of tourists from all over the world come to watch this unique spectacle. The islands of Margarita and Magdalena, with its white sand dunes, which can be seen simultaneously from the sea and the bays of Santa Maria Magdalena are open to ocean. The island of cormorant ducks with their resident and migratory colonies from Canada were quite the sight. The estuaries and mangroves are hurricane holes and also where we picked up our panga ride for the day. We spent 3 hours touring the bay. We went to a sea lion rockery, examined whale bones, walked on sand dunes and just had a great day.
The following day Ken and Alanna took a snorkeling tour where they swam with the sea lions. Alanna saw the Dorado's her Dad is catching and was quite pumped. The sea lions come right up to you to be petted.
This evening we are going out for dinner with other boaters then coming back here for a game of Dominos. We want to be inside at midnight as the custom here is fireworks and GUNS! They shoot their guns in the air. I do not want to be near live amo.
Tomorrow we take Alanna to the airport. The following day we will be heading South across the Sea of Cortes to Mazetlan. It will be a 40 hr. crossing.
The pictures have been added to the photo album. A new album will begin for the South Mainland Portion.
We have many friendst hat wish to visit once we are on the mainland.
Happy New Years to all and may your lives be filled with joy this coming year.