We have crossed over to the mainland.
We left La Paz on Jan 02. and headed to Los Meurtos for the evening. We left with wild life showing us their skills. Flying mantas, whales and dolphins. We anchored with beautifully coloured fish swimming around the boat. This was nothing compared to what we would experience the next few days.
The trip to Mazatlan would take us 32 hrs of none stop boating. Mike and Jacquie are crewing with us so we are back to 3 hr shifts during the night run.
We started the day off by catching 2 Dorados and a Bonito.
This area lured Jacques Cousteau here 30 years ago to film this pristine underwater habitat. We saw a Hammerhead shark, whales, wahoo fish jumping 15 feet into the air, sailfish but more impressive three dolphins tail walking. This caused 2 fifty year old women to scream with delight. I have never witness anything in nature this exciting. Mike was in the galley looking to see what the screaming was all about when he saw the dolphin. He thought the dolphin would have to be added to the crew list.
Ken and I were on watch from midnight until 0300 hr. All of a sudden we see torpedoes coming at us. There were no stars or moon but the ocean was lit up like a Christmas tree. The dolphins as they played around the boat created a phosphorescent trail. Flying squid and flying fish leaped all around us. Next up would be a juvenile Boobie bird. These birds have blue feet.

The next morning while heading to Mazatlan, Mike caught a Dorado as tall as me but lost it at the boat. It put up quite a fight.
We are now staying at El Cid Marina with several other Canadian boaters. Pool, hot tub, a wonderful treat. It was also a pleasant surprise to see Forsyths boat but they are currently in Calgary. We hope they return before we head further south.
Tomorrow we are heading into Old Town Mazatlan to take in the sights.
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