No Swine Flu
I wasn't going to write a blog but hysteria over the swine flu has people wondering about Mexican travel.
We arrived on Thursday from Puerto Vallarta. We are currently staying on Murdo's yacht.
On arrival we went dirrect to the Flying Beaver Restaurant (named after planes). All the waitresses stopped, came running over and gave us hugs. Free rounds of drinks were had with each one stopping by when they could.
This would be the beginning of friends greeting us. I had no idea that we had any kind of impact. Even the young girl at the post office wanted to hear about our trip.
We have been to Marysville to visit with Pam and Stu and visit one of my favourtie stores. Admirals Nautical. $300 poorer, I now have all the necessary marine guide books for The Caribbean.
We have decided once through the trench we are turning right. Visiting Columbia, Aruba, Curacao, Bonaire, Venezuela and possibly Guyana. This will be May - Nov 2010. Next hurricane season. One thing this trip has taught me is time travels fast.
Ken, Antonia and I are currently working hard on putting a power point presentation together for the yacht club. I have spent countless hours going though hundreds of pictures. I hope everyone will enjoy what we have been so lucky to experience.
This week will be filled with acquiring all the things we cannot find in Mexico for the boat, meeting with friends and family and Ken's annual blood tests.
Vancouver is such a pretty place in Spring. Flowers, trees in bloom, green grass and snow still on the top of the mountains.
What is the main difference between here and Mexico? Quiet. Mexico is busy and very boisterous. People look you in the face and greet you all day long.
So we are hoping we can get back to the boat on our scheduled air flights. Only time will tell.
As far as the swine flu goes. We are fine. The area we have been has not been infected yet.
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