I think that as a coastal town Guaymas has become my favourite to date. This community has not seen the Americano influence and is very Mexicano. We are a rarity but have been welcomed by everyone we have met. They love to know that you are from Canada. This is probably the most interaction we have had with locals, being invited to their homes, their church, and their favorite restaurants.
Ken had his final Doctors appt. on Friday and the Doctor was very impressed with the outcome. To celebrate we were to go to an outdoor concert, but it was cancelled due to the threat of Olaf. We instead went to the bar with friends we have met here. Karaoke in espanol. It was funny when the only English song appeared and the guy with the mike came straight to us. Racial profiling at its best. I just said “ No hablo inglis” He laughed. Everyone at the bar knew the words to Hotel California. I found that reading the words helped understand a little bit more and we had a translator Huratio to help. They are passionate about their music.

I have been walking with Gail from the boat next to us every morning. It is not uncommon now to have the locals we have met honking their horns and waving as they pass by, the newspaper sellers stop us and have a conversation, the policia talk with us about how we are enjoying Guaymas. Again my blue eyes enter many conversations. I finally am thinking Spanish again after not hearing it for months. I try hard to speak it when I can and appreciate the helpful corrections on pronunciation. I am more impressed at how much Ken has picked up. Usually related to parts he needs. I don’t think he realizes just how much more he understands.
Ordering things to be done on our boat have been successful. We have the canvas guy ready to go. The stainless steal for the bimini is being started Monday. New plexiglass for the helm is ordered and Ken also will have it cut on Mon.
All the various packages we have ordered from across the US are all being shipped to the hotel we will be staying at in Tucson. The only glitch seems to come from Canada when RJ tried to send a parcel. I believe even that is worked out now however. I try not to look at the hemorrhaging bank account.
We are working also on how we can get our Yellow Fever shots and certificate done while we are in Mexico. This is necessary for many countries we will be transiting from Panama on. Our good friend Antonio (Mexican Dr) from Vancouver will try some medical friends in Los Mochis.
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