A picture of Medicine Hat's City hall and the wall in the park across from City hall depicting the City's history. (also where we found a geocache)
Ken and I took the 3 hr journey east of Calgary to visit his 2 Aunts. Auntie Edna will be turning 92 in a months time and Auntie Irene will be turning 91. The gals don't look over 60 and are feeling wonderful. Auntie Edna in fact looks better than the last time we saw her. She definately will be a candidate for a 100th birthday party.
Medicine Hat is a smaller city in the Province of Alberta. Its claim to fame is the natural gas deposits underneath its land, and rattle snakes.
Even a 100 years after the forming of Medicine Hat its population affords a very inexpensive heating bill compared to others in Canada. Once being a business owner in Medicine Hat I can definately say it was cheaper running a business here than in Calgary.
Medicine Hat is situated on the South Saskatchewan River and #1TransCanada Highway.
The coulees are filled with rattle snakes and a hike needs a stick.
The Canadian Pacific Railway plays an important role here employing many persons. It helped bring prisoners of war from Germany during the 2nd World War who made their homes in the area after the war.
The British army still practices in nearby Suffield.
Ken and I went geocaching to 3 different sites, 2 of which we had never been to before. It was a quick one day trip. It was sure nice seeing the aunts in such great shape.
Medicine Hat has a very hot, dry summer. This year has seen alot of rain.
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