Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Legacy - Ken's Memory Kept Alive.

In life we make decisions to become the type of person we want to be. We work hard and are influenced by others and sometimes influence others.
Ken retired in 2007 and we embarked on a life dream of cruising the oceans.
We expected to see beautiful scenery and spend countless time with each other.
We found so much more..... We threw ourselves into an unknown culture, embracing all that would be shared with us.
We quickly found out that this adventure was about opening our hearts, minds and really living in the present.
Nicaragua pulled at our heart strings. We befriended a 6 yr old street orphan and bought her a bowl of rice. Once finished she wrapped her arms around Ken's legs and with a huge smile looked up at him and murmured Muchas Gracias.
We visited fire halls and made a decision that once our journey was over we would return to Nicaragua and help people that were so appreciative, friendly, trusting human beings.
At Ken's memorial service I mention in the eulogy that I would love to get a firetruck donated in Ken's name. Within minutes one was promised and the 2 year process of getting the truck to Nicaragua began.
I believe Divine intervention prevailed. I couldn't figure out how I was going to get this truck to Nicaragua.
 I was invited to attend a Thanksgiving dinner and sat next to a young man that had just come back from Nicaragua. I asked him where he had travelled in Nicaragua. He was delivering firetrucks and building a community kitchen with his family. By the next day I had contacted and promised Operation Nicaragua a truck.
This great organization can be found at
This generous donation of this truck in Ken's name will empower the City of Corazo to modernize their fire department, saving lives and property. Ken would be honoured to know that the Calgary Fire Department has extended their pride and fellowship to help those in need.
I would like to thank all those that help to make this dream come true.
I believe in angels and that they watch over those they love. I also believe that Ken will watch over those that use this truck.
This truck in just a few weeks has already been to 74 calls. Amazing. A true legacy for a man that deserves to be remembered.
Alanna and RJ surprised me with a photo of Ken to present to the Corazo Fire Department. They immediately placed his picture along side the men that they honour. 
The family, Alanna, RJ, Sylvie, Virginia and friend Andrea were put on the back of Ken's truck  while the Kamloops volunteer group climbed onto a pumper and were driven for 20 minutes through the streets with siren and lights. I am sure Ken smiled down on us.  Everyone came out on the street to see the trucks. 
In Ken's life he inspired many people in many ways. An impactful legacy has occurred with this gift.

I have been remembering a conversation that I had with my Grandmother when my Grandfather died. 
She said "Rejoice for having had such a love. Death is part of life and we all meet again. Be strong for your family but more importantly for yourself. He will speak with you and always remain with you, he is a part of your soul and makeup.
I am doing very well, and am currently writing a book that hopefully some day will get published. So keep in touch.
Genesis is also doing well and is having a relaxing time cruising in BC waters not enduring the crazy weather.