Long Beach also has a large oil industry; oil is found both underground and offshore. Entering this large shipping port I was again pleased to have our AIS to let us know where the big ships were heading and if they were on a collision path. Some oil rigs are disguised as tropical islands. Actually quite cool looking. Can you imaging doing that in Alberta? I guess there you could make them look like grain elevators!
Once inside we tied up at the guest dock of the Long Beach Yacht Club for 2 days. The temps were in the 90's so we made good use of the pool. We waked the area surrounding the yacht club and were amazed by some of the homes. I am finding that the accommodations are free but we are spending too much time eating out at these facilities. Not great for the waist lines. I sure hope when we are in Mexico the act ivies reverse the consequences of eating and drinking down the west coast of the USA!
We then carried on to Newport Beach. We were on the VHF radio trying to radio into the Balboa Yacht Club when the airwaves were interrupted by the US Navy.
We could not believe what we heard. The US Navy was calling a specific tanker, asking it to respond on the radio and to alter course and speed. This went on for aprox. 10 minutes. The tanker was not acknowledging. Finally the Navy said it was counting down then shooting beyond the bow. Still silence. The Navy Helicopter had been over the tanker the whole time so there was no way it didn't know something was happening. We listen to the count down then............ heard,"OK, OK stop shooting I will comply. The tanker still continued then was warned it would be shot at again. The tanker Captain then lowered his speed. When the Navy asked if they had been boarded they said No and that they were on a tight schedule and had NO TIME for this. It turns out the tanker was registered out of the Middle East. They were told to have all papers ready, lockers unlocked, etc. I figure he was there for several hours!
Balboa Yacht Club gave us 2 nights free reciprocal. on a mooring ball. We lowered the dinghy and rode all around. Again another 2 days high 90's. Once we arrived we phoned Gord West, the ICOM Rdaio guru. It turns out we had an Atlantic program hence did not have the proper preprogrammed channels. He fixed everything up and gave Ken and I a two hour lesson on our SSB radio. We finally now understand how it works. The best money spent as once in Mexico everything is done on Ham or SSB radio. The people here were again extremely nice. We met up with the Canadian family again aboard Moondancer X.
We put the dingy in the water and explored this fabulous tourist spot.
Our next destination Dana Point. We were looking forward to coming here as friends we met 8 years ago and have stayed in touch through Internet have their boat moored here and live and work here. Mark drove Ken around and allowed him to pick up needed things from the hardware store. Later we went for dinner at the Dana Point Yacht club where we have two night reciprocals. Mark and Jan so graciously gave us a gift of wine and tea towels. A very thoughtful couple.
We met another couple Mark and Lynn Nelson on the dock. They had a car and took us into town to do laundry, groceries and other little errands. Mark is a retired firefighter, Lynn retired college professor. It is people like this you meet along the way that is making this such a pleasant time.
We will be leaving tomorrow morning for Oceanside for 2 days then on to San Diego for probably 5 days. Since Santa Barbara ,our destinations have all been short jumps as we cannot enter Mexican waters until Nov 01 for our insurance policy to be valid.
Once in San Diego Wendy and Wayne Mmickelson will be crewing south into Mexico with us. You may have remembered they circumnavigated Vancouver Islan with us.
Southern California along the coast is truly a fascinating area. People seem so alive enjoying nature and the weather. So active.