Los Cabos area is blessed with near perfect weather. Near perfect, because in the summer it gets a little warm by some folks standards. Those who live in the desert southwest, consider it cool. Those from the northwest or mountain states probably consider it hot. If your from the east or south you will welcome the dry heat. They do get some storms during the summer. The tropical storms and hurricanes hardly ever hit directly (they do, but not very often). They usually pass by, to the south. They can get some rain (sometimes a lot of rain) when these storms pass by, but it never rains for very long. The whole time we were here it was hot.
During the week that Ken was gone we went into town daily. We ate way to many meals out. The costs here are fairly expensive as it is a tourist town made up of Canadians and Americans.
Wendy and Wayne made dentist appointments to have their teeth cleaned and a bridge repaired. Total cost $85.00. Have that done in Canada. Me I avoided the dentist. I guess I’ll be the person that has the heart attack because I have bad teeth! Actually I plan on having some major work done in Mexico City by a friends Mom.
We decided to do our laundry which meant paying to have it done. The women told us it would be done at 5:00pm so we said that we would pick it up the next day. Now our Spanish is not good so when we went to pick it up the following day it was not finished. I am not quite sure if they put us off or thought we asked them to do it the next day.
As we walked down the main street Wayne thought he recognized this gentlemen as his cousin Dave. Sure enough it was. He and his wife Kim were having a drink at a cantina. They invited us to their place to use their pool and to have diner. We returned the favour by having them to the boat for dinner the following night.
Wayne and Wendy are excellent musicians and we were entertained by guitar pretty much every night, as was the anchorages and marinas.
On the Sunday for something to do we decided to take a tour of the development. For a mere few Million dollars we could own a fabulous home. Ken is getting an inheritance but I think we will pass on this one.
We ate out most meals which was far to extravagant but hey, you only live once. We will stay out on the hook for a while and make up for the expenditure.
Pam email to inform me that Ken had changed his flight and was getting in a day early so I got rid of Juan a day early. Other boaters that we have been coming down the coast with had arrived so we invited them over. When Ken got here we were having a party.
We took Ken out to San Jose del Cabo for dinner. It was to be his birthday dinner that he missed due to traveling back for the funeral. It was very good. An authentic Mexican Salsa band played. We returned back to the boat to have Genesis’s live band play. AKA Wayne. We are the envy!
Today Wendy and Wayne left to go home. Today 5 boats that have been the Canadian boats traveling south arrived at the marina. I am sad to say goodbye to Wayne and Wendy but more adventures lie ahead. From this point on it will be more about swimming, snorkeling, surfing and exploring.
We leave here tomorrow to go to Los Frallise. A snorkeling haven. It could be awhile until we have internet so the blog time may be more than one week.