Sunday, May 10, 2009

Home Again
As much as it was nice to get back to Vancouver it is nice to be back at the boat. Our main regret is that we could not visit our friends in Calgary. Next time.
We visited with Ken's cousin and husband in Seattle, visited his sister and family in Pitt Meadows, and had a visit from a long time friend of Ken's from Calgary. Connie.
Connie, Ken, Alain, Kim and I played tourist visiting different places around Vancouver.
We were asked to present a power point presentation for the yacht club about our journey around Vancouver to Mexico. A lot of hard work was put in by Antonio, as I know nothing about using powerpoint. Thanks to all that attended.
Ken was very busy running all around the place picking up this and that for the boat that we have a hard time finding here. I was busy picking up books and charts for the next phase of the trip.
We took a side trip to Sydney to stay the night with Wendy and Wayne. Corrie was also in town so as usual we were treated to a wonderful musical night. Not to mention wine.
The swine flu did end up causing a small problem for us. Our flight home was cancelled and had to be re-scheduled with a different carrier.
Upon boarding the flight to Mexico the true effect of the media was apparent. The plane was lucky to be 1/3 full of which 1/4 of the people were Mexicans returning home. Once at the airport we had to get scanned to see whether we had a fever. I knew I would have no problem ( I wonder if hot flashes turn up as a fever?), but Ken had caught a head cold. Luckily he passed also When we arrived the taxi driver took us to the boat for 1/2 the fare. It was his first one all day. He was beside himself as he is quite worried how he is going to pay for his family. Worry was written all over his face.
One of the truly unique things about Mexico is the sidewalk places to eat. Not regulated TO DEATH by government. Due to the swine flu they are all closed down. The streets look like a ghost town. Hopefully the recovery from this incident will not take to long. The Mexican economy was already showing a slow down due to the American slow down this just wasn't needed.
There has not been one case of flu in this area, yet they are feeling the effects of a much publized over reacted situation.
We spent the entire day cleaning the outside of the boat as it is caked with bird shit, sand and salt. Nothing was left untouched. It is amazing we were only away for 2 weeks.
We will spend the evening tonight with some boating friends from Canada. Babeeze, Morgana and Saphire playing Mexican Train.
Tomorrow we will reprovision the boat, book out of La Cruz with the Capitana de Puerto for Tues, and hopefuly will be heading North. The stay here has been long and a lot of hard work. The weather is changing. Rain clouds appear in the sky just to forworn that the wet season is just around the corner.
We are ready to catch a new fish, see different sites, meet up in the Sea of Cortez (I got it right Antonio) with new aquaintances, swim, kayak and hike.
We have our new Mexican Tourist Card for the next 6 months so we hope to continue learning and having fun.


At 9:27 AM, Blogger rickpage said...

Glad to hear all is well with you folks. We are soon off to Barkley for the summer, but will keep track of your adventures as we can. Rick and Page zeman- M/V Rapid transit


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