Monday, October 18, 2010
Doing the work this time of year has its challenges. We are in the rainy season which means that there are torrential rains. Finished it now is! We have brand new decks a new propane tank container and a new freezer container.
We have been spending 10 hr days to try and get the boat ready for departure. The fibreglass dust was everywhere, so everything needs to be washed. Unfortunately there was a major leak (not sure if from reno or previously) that took its toll on several books. We no longer have cruising guides for Central America and Panama and will need to repurchase before the return trip.
Ken now has the outside of the boat painted and had the workmen here at the marina and fellow cruisers awed that the boat could be painted in one day. They all approve of the quality. Having 34 years of painting experience helps some!
The teak handrails will have to be a work in progress as we travel as will be additional painting of the upper white portion of the boat. We would never get out of here if we had to have everything done before departure. In fact no boat would get away from the dock.
The outer equipment took some beating with the rains and high temperatures. We didn't get the mold on the inside but not true on the outside. I have cleaned as much as possible but the mold leaves a stain. We will probably have to replace the seats once in Florida. While living aboard you continually are wiping them down but leave them and those spores take over. I really could have used the clean team this week.
We are still on the hard and hope to go into the water tomorrow. There doesn't seem to be space at the dock however so I am no so sure that we will be having the splash. We need to be in the water to test the engines, generator and we will test the water maker in clean water. Things should be alright but it is a boat and those that own boats know how that is! Other critical things needed to be tested out are the radio systems, radar and chart systems. Without these functioning properly we cannot depart. Receiving weather is critical in this area. The rains come down so hard it is like traveling in fog and there is a lot of freight boat traffic.
Provisioning still needs to be done, so today I have to make a loose menu plan to figure out what I need to buy. We have an empty freezer ready for the fishermen but that won't feed us at the moment. We will have to make several different stops to get the various things needed. Just stocking up and repackaging so as to have no garbage can take a full day if not 1 1/2.
Once Ernie is here we must get him added to our crewlist and get our Internation Zarpe to continue on to the next country.
Well, I better get going on the boat. We have hoped to be departing by Friday if things go well. I am telling myself I will not be dissapointed if the date is a few days delayed.
For all you armchair sailors consider yourself lucky that you do not have to participate in this part of a boaters life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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