What Would a Typical Day Look Like?
When we were in Canada a common question seemed to be: What is a typical day like in your life?
Firstly we are finally ready to leave, ant left La Cruz.
The boat has been under construction, we made a trip home (thereby giving away some staples in the fridge) and we have been here for 6 weeks. One grows to the ground.
An insight to just 2 days before a departure:
0730 – Ken gets up and makes coffee, goes up top to read emails and news on the internet. Usually adding his opinions to a CBC blog about a subject. (You can be away from home and still be connected.)
0800 – Faye gets up and pours a cup of coffee goes up top asks what’s new on the internet, gets informed sometimes adds my opinion to a news blog. (More often than not)
0930 – Faye prepares breakfast, eat, clean up dishes.
1000 – 1200 – Ken (Blue Job) does an oil change on the genset, checks different systems on board to check to make sure all is well in his engine room
Faye – strips the bed gets all the laundry together, walks into town and drops off the laundry. (A luxury to have someone else do the laundry for $7.50)
Comes back and cleans the outside of the boat.
1200 – Faye prepares lunch. We eat then I clean up (Pink job)
1300 – We walk up to the highway and catch a chicken bus into Mega Supermarket to buy provisions. We take a taxi back.
1500 – Arrive back to the boat.
Ken continues doing things to the boat, and rechecks email and internet.
Faye removes all the cardboard (may contain cockroach eggs), cleans all fruit and veggies in a iodine solution (get rid of bacteria) Farming methods our different than ours. Put away groceries. Get rid of all packaging (no trash to keep on board when underway) This time it only takes an hour as I have no meat and do not have to weigh or repackage.
1600 – Faye checks the weather reports – 3 different sources. Confers with Ken. Decide the weather will be right to leave in 2 days.
1700 – Faye sets up requests for weather reports to come to the SSB for the next 7 days.
1800 – I am not sure what Ken is doing as I am prepping dinner. He is doing something! He’s touching up paint on the outside of the boat
1915 – Done dinner and cleanup
1930 – We go up to have showers at the marina showers. (Doesn’t put humidity in our boat)
2000 – Get back
2020 – Walk into town for an ice cream cone
2040 – Burning 2 CD’s for fellow boaters.
2100 - We decide to watch a movie (Usually we would play cards )
2300 – Go to bed. Do basically similar tasks the next day.
A Motoring Day
0500 – Wake up, Ken puts on coffee, gets ready to cast off. Unplugs the power cord and stows everything on the bow. Starts the engines to let them run for a bit, changes from shore power to inverter, takes out the final garbage.
Faye gets the navigational laptop up and running. Radar and charts up and running. Have all the navigational books up on the bridge. Puts the extra coffee in a thermos brings it up top. Faye then goes down to the bow. Ken casts the lines off and gets on board. As we are headed out of the marina I am stowing the ropes and fenders. That being done I take my seat up top. For 10 hrs we motor watching the sun rise, the dolphins, pangas, and what ever else might be out there. Ken checks the engine room hourly to make sure everything is doing what it is suppose to be doing. I make the various meals and cleanup along the way. We both drive the boat.
We listen to music as we go.
Once we arrive at an anchorage. I go below turn on the winch, undo the anchor and get ready to anchor. Ken from above drops the anchor and I let him know when it has dug in. He then will put more chain down.
We put on our swim suits and dive into the warm bath tub like water. Swim for awhile, relax, watch what is happening around us and continually pinch ourselves to make sure we are really living this life style.
We have dinner, clean up, play cards, go for another swim then shower off in the lazarette, have another hand of crib then go to bed.
A Resort Day
0900 – Wake up and spend the whole day relaxing by the pools (3 to choose from), swimming and more swimming, eating, catching up on the blog, catching up with other cruisers, checking weather reports to continue on.
2200 – Go to bed.
Now days do vary, some days I read and ignore Ken. Knowing that he is going to be ignored while my nose is in a book he will occupy his time usually reading manuals for different devices on the boat or loading his hard drive ( brain) with more information from the internet. Some useless some not so much.
There you have it. Days go by real fast and it is hard to believe it will almost be a full year since we departed on this journey.
hey you two - nice to know two of our family has made it safey and funnly to retirement - looks like everything you expected and more - of course, wish we were there. I am still recovering from knee surg but am walking without assist in the house and cane outside the house- will start to practice driving this weekend- no sign of a job yet- going to Kel nx weekend- hot water tank in townhouse needs replacing and new diaper delivery to STew and Tracy - who are due with a girl, Taylor in mid Aug! also delivering a new cell phone for ma and pa - cheaper on our family plan. Hope you are having happy travels - enjoy reading your blog - sometimes there is no date, just the time of day - but the pictures are awesome - keep in touch
Pam and Stu
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